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    Our recommenders

    Shlomi Cohen
    I scheduled a pesticide service with Netanel for my house in Jerusalem after I dealt with a mice infestation for far too long, after many pest control services failed to locate the path of the mice. After Netanel’s pesticide, the mice never came back. Thank you!
    Zehava Ben Naim
    I scheduled a pesticide service with "Barak Gold" company to deal with pigeons that kept coming back to my house. After many failures, Barak Gold’s company did a great job and there were no pigeons in sight. i highly recommend the company and their kind service
    Shay Shalom
    For a few years now my and i suffer from ants in our kitchen. Even after a thorough cleaning, pesticide and even grandma’s methods she couldn't keep them away. We reached out to Netanel from "Barak Gold" Company and we provided a kind service, as well as devoted care to the problem until the ants completely vanished. We didn't think that it would work, we the company surprised us on the best side. I'm definitely going to recommend it to my friends!
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